Dr. Beverly J. Anderson
PhD, EAP, DC Metro Police Department
Dr. Beverly Anderson has over 30 years of experience working with law enforcement officers and is the founding clinical director of the Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program (MPEAP) in Washington, DC. The MPEAP is an independent counseling program that operates far from any police facilities and is a negotiated benefit for officers, officials, and their spouses.
MPEAP boasts the highest utilization rates of any police counseling program worldwide.
Dr. Anderson earned doctorate degrees in counseling and clinical psychology. She completed a year-long residency in the Department of Neurology at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center from 2007 to 2008 where she assessed and treated traumatic brain injury/TBI and PTSD in soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Her research entitled “A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Police Post-Shooting Trauma” was accepted as “science” in 2008 and published in 2009. Dr. Anderson recently presented the findings of her latest research on concussion in law enforcement officers at the IACP’s Officer Safety & Wellness Symposium in Anaheim CA on March 3, 2023.
Dr. Anderson has consulted to numerous law enforcement agencies in the US as well as foreign countries to include Australia, Germany, Scotland Yard, the Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, the Northern Ireland Police Fund, and the Police Union of Ontario, Canada.
She has been a featured guest speaker on CNN, Good Morning America, and several local news outlets on the topics of police trauma and stress. Dr. Anderson has provided expert witness testimony on police stress for the United States House of Representatives.